
Drive Team Engagement with Better Performance Metrics in the BITKzoo2017 Keynote

By Garrett Wenger

March 29, 2017

We’re excited to introduce Wendy Pat Fong, Director of Talent and Operations at 7Geese, to be leading the keynote at Build IT Together Kalamazoo 2017!

Wendy Pat Fong, Director of Talent & Operations

Wendy Pat Fong has been with 7geese for over 4 years, leading both the Customer Success and Operations teams, growing the team from 5 employees, to the 26 employees that make up 7Geese today. She’s spoken at multiple HR events, such as DisruptHR and has shared her knowledge of modern performance management in webinars and blog posts on the 7Geese blog.

Originally from Mauritius, Wendy moved to Canada to pursue her degree in Psychology at Simon Fraser University. After finding an affinity for recruiting and human capital, she returned to school to complete a diploma in Human Resources Management.

Keynote: Goal Setting, KPIs, and Cultural Alignment

In her keynote, Wendy will identify the main factors of “modern” goal setting, and explore how it has evolved into what it is today. Attendees will take away actionable steps for building top-to-bottom organizational alignment leading to better performance, greater transparency, and a more engaged team. Leaders will learn keys to breaking down company vision to create stronger long-term strategies, and will not want to miss this presentation.